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Available for live painting experiences! 

Please contact if interested!

Corporate events, DJ sets, ect.

Self Reflect (SOLD)  
This painting tells the story of my past and the moments I spent in the darkness of my alcoholism. Its a reflection on a dream I had for my life and the truth of my reality at the time.

The Beginning (SOLD)

Inspired by my walks throughout San Francisco, this piece is a constellation of moments that lead me to where I am today. It’s a piece that I created to embrace that this dream was coming true. 


Magnolia (SOLD)

The historic building that sits on the corner of Haight and Masonic has become such a special place to me. This was a live painting I did to capture the community enjoying the neighborhood.

As I start to build my new show, more paintings will become available. Please check back for more updates on new paintings. Thank you always for the support!

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